Comparing concentrated portfolios to diversified portfolios uncovers a large differential in post-negotiated fees. Our latest Fee Analyzer Report spotlights trends in post-negotiated fees and shares how managers can win as fee transparency continues to escalate.
This analysis includes data from over 3,000 active manager post-negotiated fees within US, non-US, and global large-cap equity to provide insight into:
This analysis includes data from over 3,000 active manager post-negotiated fees within US, non-US, and global large-cap equity to provide insight into:
Where fee differentials are greatest
Whether fee levels have been trending up or down
Which managers have outperformed in this difficult market environment
How increased fee transparency is impacting negotiations
Download our report today for this exclusive review of concentrated vs. diversified fee levels.
Investment Metrics Fee Analyzer is the industry’s source of post negotiated manager fees. Fee Analyzer is an interactive tool used to benchmark post negotiated manager fees across 70,000 observations and 65+ investment styles. It compares negotiated fees (rather than list or published fees) for different plan types, mandate sizes and asset classes. With Fee Analyzer’s reliable fee data, asset allocators and managers gain competitive insights from benchmarking and evaluating fees vs. returns and risk—essential to manager selection, fee transparency and pricing efficiency across the institutional investment market.
About the Author
Scott Treacy, CFA
Senior Consultant
Client Consulting & Research