PARis Liability Reporting offers robust pension liability calculations and analytics. It is seamlessly integrated into the PARis platform’s report books. PARis users can effortlessly perform industry-standard pension liability monitoring calculations with just a few clicks.
This end-to-end solution streamlines operations, saving time, reducing costs, and improving efficiency, all from within the same performance reporting platform.
- Eliminate complex manually updated Excel workbooks and save time.
- Reduce data entry by combining Asset and Liability reporting out of the same platform.
- Create efficiencies and reallocate headcount because:
- the system automatically rolls benefits payments forward and calculates the present value of the liabilities.
- the connection to reusable index spot rates is automated across plans.
- historical data tracking is easily viewed all on one screen.
- reporting templates are reusable and customizable and seamlessly integrated into PARis’ monthly/quarterly report books.
- the system automatically rolls benefits payments forward and calculates the present value of the liabilities.
Tailored Solutions for Diverse Plans and Client Needs.